Stuff bought Neighbourly and in addition to the maintenance of the project, we undertook work for Stuff as well. Here are a few things I have worked on for them.

Stuff wanted to launch a product which was a digital version of an entertainment book. Based on this we did user testing, wireframes,

Stuff Coupons app screen
Stuff Coupons user testing notes
Stuff Coupons user testing notes
Stuff Coupons user testing notes
Stuff Coupons user testing notes

Another project they wanted to work on was a Classifieds app. This was to leverage the Neighbourly user base for their own Craigslist like clone. This is the mockup I came up with

Stuff Classifieds mockup

Neighbourly had it's own property section, which Stuff wanted to replicate. Here is the mockup for the listings page based on the Neighbourly platform.

Stuff Property screen